All Codigestion Projects
Spencer, MA – Jordan Dairy Farms
Spencer, MA
Jordan Dairy Farms continues its commitment to sustaining the farm for future generations and protecting the environment by adding a second Vanguard Renewables Farm Powered anaerobic digester at the Jordan Dairy Farms Heifer Facility in Spencer, Massachusetts.
Jordan Dairy Farms was the first farm in New England to host an anaerobic digester back in 2011. With the addition of the Spencer location, the Jordans have now become the first New England farm family to host two Farm Powered digesters.

Project Facts
- 950-acre dairy farm
- Founded in 1885
- 800 Holstein cows, 300 milked daily
- Located in Spencer, Massachusetts
- Member of Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)
- Construction completed Spring 2019
- Annual digester inputs: 38,300 tons of food waste and 4,400 tons of manure
- Annual digester output: Produces 8,000 MWh of renewable energy per year and displaces 1,000 tons of CO2 emissions
A sixth-generation dairy operation, Jordan Dairy Farms was founded in 1885. The farm is a member of Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) Cooperative and is operated by brothers Randy and Brian Jordan.

The completed anaerobic digester at the Spencer location features a 660,000-gallon capacity anaerobic digester tank and will codigest more than 4,400 tons of manure and 38,300 tons of organic waste annually. It will produce 8,000 MWh of renewable energy per year from a 1 MW engine and offset 1,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. Manure from the dairy operation and organic food waste are combined in the anaerobic digester and microorganisms convert sugars, fats, and other compounds into biogas to produce renewable energy. The digestate byproduct of the process is an odor-free, low-carbon liquid fertilizer. The farm also receives low-cost energy and hot water and heat for farm operations.
Farm Benefits at a Glance
- Income diversification
- Low-carbon fertilizer to increase crop yields and protect area soils
- Reduced energy cost
- Odor reduction
- Reduction in chemical fertilizer use
- Enhanced nutrient management plan
- Heat reuse